二戰(zhàn)末,冬季的荷蘭小城冰天雪地,戰(zhàn)爭讓整個城市顯得陰霾異常。小男孩米歇爾(馬丁·拉克邁爾 Martijn Lakemeier 飾)和同伴跑去一架墜毀的飛機殘骸附近玩,卻被駐扎的德軍抓住,還好米歇爾的市長父親和德國人關系看起來不錯,他很快便被父親領回了家。
本叔叔的到來讓米歇爾興奮不已,但是本叔叔卻警告他千萬不要卷入到戰(zhàn)爭中去。德克在臨出發(fā)去炸德軍的軍火庫之前交給他一個信封,可是在行動過程中德克被德軍抓住。后來米歇爾打開信封,根據(jù)信封里的內(nèi)容,他發(fā)現(xiàn)了隱匿在樹林里負傷的英國飛行員杰克,米歇爾開始了照顧并幫助他逃走的活動,其間得到了做護士的姐姐埃里卡(梅樂蒂·克拉弗爾 Melody Klaver 飾)的幫助。
10.0 絕地重生2023
10.0 戰(zhàn)火
1946 戰(zhàn)爭簡介:本片以第二次世界大戰(zhàn)末期,在意大利登陸的美軍攻破德軍防線為背景,導演以令人感動的場面把美軍從南部攻到北部期間所引發(fā)的一些意大利民間故事編成一部有連貫性的社會寫實的電影,畫面上的真實感,給予人們非常大的沖擊,創(chuàng)下了意大利電影的新潮流……大師羅西里尼的戰(zhàn)后三部曲的第二部,第一部是《羅馬,不設防的城市》,最后一部是《德意志零年》。作為新現(xiàn)實主義的奠基人,羅西里尼幾乎不使用劇本,并明確拒絕使用攝影棚、服裝、化妝和職業(yè)演員。影片由6個小故事組成,背景是二戰(zhàn)后期盟軍在意大利登陸后攻破德軍防線,從南部向北部進攻期間引發(fā)的一些民間小故事。羅西里尼在攝影機前重現(xiàn)了美國大兵,游擊隊員、修道士,妓女,以及普通平民在那個烽火連天的歲月里的真實遭遇,影片穿插了很多真實的戰(zhàn)爭鏡頭,令觀眾感同身受。 -
9.0 舒加利
7.0 舒加利2
2020 戰(zhàn)爭簡介:Russian sociologist Maxim Shugalei and his colleague interpreter Samer Suifan are still imprisoned in a Libya. For more than a year now they tortured and psychologically abused. Nevertheless while imprisoned, Maksim Shugalei continues to work trying to understand the logic of the global terrorism actions. Collected by the sociologist information is dangerous for the Lybian mili... -
7.0 舒加利3
2021 戰(zhàn)爭簡介:Maxim Shugalei the sociologist and Samer Suifan his interpreter are finally returning back to Russia after a long imprisonment in the Libyan Mitiga prison. A few months later, Shugalei is approached by his friend - Farid, a former bank manager in Tripoli, and offers sociologist a meeting in Egypt - he has new information about terrorists in Libya. But the meeting of friends in ... -
2.0 89年的錫比烏
2023 戰(zhàn)爭簡介:Sibiu ’89 reenacts a lesser-known story about those days of violent civil unrest that led to a bloody confrontation between the army forces and Ceau?escu’s instruments of repression, the Militia and the Secret Police. Following rumours and disinformation about so-called “terrorists” attacking soldiers and civilians, panic and chaos ensue. No one is to be trusted, everyone could...